Reading this material may cause rage, apathy, suicidal ideation, homicidal tendencies, increased sexual libido, impotence, night terrors, visual and audible hallucinations, and the overwhelming want/urge to slap the shit of someone. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How To Make Cascarones for Easter

raw eggs
butter knife
bowl of warm soapy water
egg dye
fine confetti
colored tissue paper
Elmer's glue 
  1. It's a tradition in the Southwest of the United States. Breaking them is a tradition that is supposed to bring good luck.
  2. On the top of the egg, poke a hole with a thumbtack. Be careful not to poke your fingers.
  3. On the bottom of the egg, make a hole about the size of a dime. Tap the end gently on a table, or hit the end with a butter knife. You should also use the thumbtack to break the yolk inside the egg. Shake the insides of the egg into a bowl and save them for scrambled eggs!
  4. Wash your egg with warm water and dry it off. Make sure to wash your hands well after you do this.
  5. Decorate your egg with egg dye or markers, or both.
  6. Then use a spoon to fill your eggs with confetti and glitter.
  7. Glue a small circle of tissue paper over the hole. You should pick a tissue paper color that matches the color you made the egg. Then you can disguise the hole! When the glue dries, you're ready to go.
  8. Always play with your cascarones outside. Chase your friends and shower them with confetti and glitter by gently breaking the eggs over (but not on) their heads.
  9. When the eggs are broken over your head, you are "Showered with good fortune."

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